Female infertility: Indian Women Are Too Stressed To Conceive

"The term infertility is used when the couples constantly fail the attempt to get pregnant. There are causes of female infertility. In the given blog we shall discuss how mental stress causes, not much talked about causes infertility."


According to the studies stress is one of the factor that affects conception. The daily stress lowers the chances of pregnancy and may cause female infertility


The studies have shown that Indian women scored higher in stress test than men. Stress is associated with irregular menstrual cycle and causes low libido. Thus stress leads to infertility in women and it is found that Indian women are too stressed to conceive. 


Infertility specific stress is related to the age of a woman, duration and cause of infertility, unsuccessful treatment, repeated pregnancy test, unable to cope with the situation and many more. 


Main Culprits Behind Infertility 

Complications such as problem in ovulation, fallopian tubes disorder, certain infection in cervix or uterus etc leads to infertility. A woman’s chances of getting pregnant decreases after the age of 35, hence age plays a crucial role in conception. Hormonal imbalance, alcohol, caffeine, obesity, diet and lifestyle disorder, stress etc causes female infertility. 

Lifestyle And Workouts That Can Help You Conceive 

It is really important for a woman to maintain a healthy lifestyle, if trying to get pregnant. Physical and mental fitness has a crucial role n conception. Certain lifestyle changes may promote fertility in women. We shall discuss here the certain workouts and lifestyle choices that improve fertility. 

A) Say No To Smoking And Alcohol 

Smoking decreases the number of eggs produces and also affects the cervix and fallopian tubes thus increasing the ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. Pregnant woman should avoid alcohol and frequent drinking alcohol before conceiving may cause ovulation disorder. 

B) Maintain A Healthy Weight And Practice Safe Sex 

Over weight interferes with your ovulation and unprotected sex especially with multiple partners increases the chances of sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases may damage the fallopian tube and iterus. 

C) Brisk Walk 

A brisk walk for half an hour everday is the best cardiovascular exercise. It helps in reducing fat in the lower part of the body and thus enhances the chances pf conception. 


The meditation and breathing pattern in yoga asanas makes your mind calm, relieves stress and reduces anxiety. There are certain specific yoga asanas that is known to improve fertility. It strengthens the reproductive system and muscles, improves blood circulation and keeps mind-body and soul at harmony. 

E)Cycling And Swimming 

Cycling is an ideal preconception workout and swimming is suggested before and after getting pregnant. It reduces stress significantly. 


F) Weight Training 

It helps in reducing insulin resistance but overdoing strength training may increase the androgen levels. 

Ayurvedic Treatment For Infertility In Females 

Ayurvedic treatment takes mind and body as one. The following given points helps in relieving the stress and helps in solving the issues of infertility in women. 

1) Preparing Your Reproductive System 

For conceiving a baby or for carrying your pregnancy it is important to take care of your reproductive system, the same way as you take care of your garden. Ayurveda recommends a certain time duration for preparing the couples before trying to conceive. 

2) Body Purification 

Panchakarma is a great therapy not only for releasing the toxins but also helps to develop healthy eating and life style. Certain therapies under panchakrama is helpful in stress relieving. Ayurvedic herbs such as shatavari and ashwagandha responses well to the stress and increases the chances of having a baby. 

3) Ayurvedic Medicines 

The modern science usually uses drugs and surgery for infertility treatment. This has resulted in certain side effects and thus increasing the mental stress. Herbs such as kanchnar guggulu, arogyavardhani vati, phala ghritam, gokshura etc cures the ailment naturally. 

Uttara Basti Treatment In Delhi 

Aasha ayurveda in Delhi is known to carry out this procedure in a professional manner through dedicated and skilled therapist under the supervision of certified ayurvedic doctor. The 2 types of uttara basti performed are garbhashaya gata basti and mutrashaya gata basti. 


Uttrara basti focuses on treatment of urinary and genital disorders. It is one of the panchakarma therapies in which medicated fluid is administered through urethra or vagina. 


Uttara basti is the best solution for infertility related problems in female. So we will introduce you to this therapy in brief. Dr Chanchal Sharma at Aasha Ayurveda is expertise with experience of 10 years in administering uttara basti in Delhi. The therapy is quiet effective in curing problems such as blocked fallopian tubes, infection in the uterine cavity and etc. The herbal decoction is selected according to the doshas and nourishment required by the sense organs. 

Indiacations Of Uttarabasti 

It is beneficial in 
- leucorrhoea 
- tubal blockage 


The prevalence of stress related infertility is common in couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment. Yoga, meditation and certain ayurvedic therapies along with consultation with a reproductive psychologist will be of great help for females going through stress related infertility. 


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