Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOS and Pregnancy

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is an imbalance of a woman's sex hormones. Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS (PCOS) is a public health problem among girls and women, requiring careful assessment, timely intervention, and appropriate treatment. The best suggested treatment would be PCOS treatment in Ayurveda.


Polycystic ovary disorder "is a medical condition commonly found in women of reproductive age due to hormonal imbalance. In this, the level of male hormone - "androgen" - increases in the woman's body and more than one cysts occur on ovaries.


The cause of this disease is not really known. But in today's running world, this disease is increasing among women. Generally, this problem is found especially in women who have hormonal imbalances. In PCOS disease, the hormone, which is found in men, is produced in excess quantity from ovaries of women. It is also believed to be an unbalanced secretion of insulin hormone. we are often unable to take proper care of our health. Due to which there are many problems. And one of them is PCOS- Nowadays one in every ten women is a victim of PCOS and therefore it is very important to have awareness and knowledge about how ayurveda can cure Pcos and help in achieving pregnancy.


If you do become pregnant with PCOS, you may wonder how the syndrome will affect your pregnancy. Having PCOS and getting pregnant does increase the risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, or premature delivery. Still, in general, women with PCOS do experience healthy pregnancies. There are many polycystic ovary syndrome treatment centers in Delhi

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

Here are some symptoms of PCOS :


  • Acne, oily skin
  • Ovarian cyst
  • Preparation of testicles in different types of conditions. A suture or mark of wound is also present on the affected ovary along with a membranous layer.
  •  Very little discharge or no menstrual periods.
  • Lack of maturity or infertility in the testicles.
  • Irregular menstruation.
  • Too much hair on the body.
  • Insulin not working in the body.
  • Weight gain, and very difficult to lose weight.
  • Deep tones on the neck and face.
  • The side effects influence ovaries and ovulation. Its three obvious highlights are: 
  • growths in the ovaries 
  • elevated amounts of male hormones 
  •  unpredictable or skipped periods 

What are the causes of PCOS?

What are the causes of PCOS


  • Genetic: Although imbalances in hormones have been considered to be the main cause of this disease, but if your mother has had this problem, then there is a possibility that you may be vulnerable. Although this has not been confirmed scientifically, it is extremely important to take precautions.

  • Male Hormones: Women's ovaries also produce some amount of male hormones (androgens). In the case of PCOS, excessive amounts of male hormones are produced, due to which the ovaries are not able to come out during the ovulation process. This condition is called hyperandrogenism.

  • Insulin: Insulin has also been considered as a cause of the disease in some scientific research. Insulin is the body that works to convert hormones, sugar, starch, and food into energy. When insulin is imbalanced, the amount of androgen hormones increases and the ovulation process is affected. Women face PCOS as a result.
  • Poor lifestyle: Lack of nutrients in food, excessive junk food, lack of physical exercise and consumption of alcohol and cigarettes can also cause this disease for women. This is a big reason for Pcos.

How can you detect PCOS/ What is the Test for confirmation of PCOS?

Treatment of this disease should be done as soon as possible so that no major problems are faced in the future. Here we are talking about tests that can be used to find out if you have polycystic ovary syndrome or not.


Medical history: The patient asks the doctor various questions related to periods and health, such as excessive vaginal bleeding, lower abdominal cramps, pimples on the face, thinning and loss of hair. Based on the answers to all these questions, the doctors find out whether you are suffering from this disease or not.


Physical examination: Doctors check the blood pressure, body mass index (through which the body is fat) and waist size. Also, check that if the hair has not started growing suddenly in the body.


Pelvic examination: Doctors also check if there is any swelling and small lumps in the ovaries.


Blood tests: Through this, doctors find out about the male hormone (androgen) level. Also, check the blood glucose level.


Vaginal ultrasound (sonogram): In this test, sound waves are used, through which pictures of the pelvic region are taken. Through these pictures, it helps to know whether there are any lumps in the ovary and whether the lining of the uterus is thick or not. The uterus layer becomes thick when periods are irregular.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS

Natural herbal remedies have been shown to be most effective for PCOS. In this, fertility is improved through herbal medicines and balance in hormones. Also, necessary instructions are given for balancing the catering. This method not only cures PCOS but also cures other diseases associated with it. 


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Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS


These medicines can be taken in this disease.


  •  Ashokarishta
  • Chandraprabha Vati
  • Kumaryasava
  • Sukumar Kashay
  • Arogyavardhini
  • Dashmularishta
  • Kachnar Guggul
  • Powder powder
  • Chandraprabha Vaty 

The use of these drugs reduces the amount of hormone in the body, balancing the entire endocrine system and increasing the functioning of the ovaries. These medicines are used to treat PCOS. They regulate periods, improve fertility and increase fertility.


Apart from this, aloe vera, cinnamon, fenugreek, fenugreek, amalaki, asparagus, ashwagandha, kauncha, vidarikand, ashoka are extremely useful medicines.
In Ayurveda, the function of ovaries is corrected by a variety of medicinal experiments. The functioning of the ovaries is corrected by consuming various types of fruits.


Now let's take a look at the remedies that can cure this disease.

  1. Basti: It is a type of Ayurvedic enema. In it, Ayurvedic oils are entered into the body through the anus. Through this, the contaminated vata is destroyed, thereby relieving PCOS.
  2. Virechan: Through this, stomach disorders are removed. In this, contaminated and toxic elements like bile are taken out of the body. In this method, drugs are entered into the body through the anus. These drugs heal the digestive system and exclude disorders.
  3. Vomiting: In this method, such medicines are given, which causes the patient to vomit repeatedly. Through these vomiting, the contaminated phlegm deposited in the body comes out and all the hormones of the body become balanced.

Yogasanas Helpful In PCOS Treatment

The science of yoga works on us at a fine and deep level. Yoga removes the tension buried inside our bodies. It can also treat symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Special yogasanas of polycystic ovarian syndrome open the pelvic area and provide relief. The mind can be easily calmed by Pranayama. With these two things, you can also meditate, which will free your body and mind from stress and poisonous substances.


  • Sarvangasan
  • Matsyasan
  •  Ardmatsyendrasana
  • Paschimottanasan
  • Surya Namaskar
  • The practice of uttrasana and other backward bending rugs provides great benefit in this disease.
  • Also, the routine practice of pulse-resection pranayama is also very beneficial.

One should always connect with nature to achieve a successful pregnancy. Here are some natural tips on how one could stay away from infertility and PCOS – 


  • Eat a good nutritious diet.
  • Drink plenty of water daily.
  • Exercise daily. Walking daily is also an excellent way to lose weight
  • Spend some time alone with nature.
  • Find some ways to calm your mind. Do not worry too much. Listen to some music and read good books.

If you have PCOS and getting pregnant is your ultimate goal, you can approach Aasha Ayurveda for all your problems and queries. Ayurvedic Doctor at our centre specializes in ayurvedic treatment for  PCOS and getting pregnant with the Kerala Panchakarma therapy & medicines. To get fix appointment with Dr. Chanchal Sharma call  at +91 9811773770

Also Read - Know About - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) , Symptoms , Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment