Facing Problems in Pregnancy? Know How Ayurveda Can Help You!


The motherly nature of a woman comes out from the day she plans to conceive. But not all are lucky enough to conceive on their own. Hence the article deals with how ayurveda can help you to conceive.


A single sperm amongst the millions meets the egg and creates a new life. This is one of the most beautiful creation of almighty. Due to certain factors, we see there are many cases coming up with couples having problem in conceiving. The number of couples going for fertility treatment is increasing with the passing time. Ayurvedic treatment for infertility has significant results in curing infertility and has helped women get pregnant.


There are many factors that may cause a problem in pregnancy. We shall discuss the occurring problems in the following two stage-


  1. Firstly the inability of the couple to conceive
  2. Secondly not being able to carry the pregnancy to the full term.


Why The Couples Are Not Able To Conceive?


The couples are not able to conceive due to certain defects in male and female reproductive systems. The problem may be due to defect in sperms and ovum, this is called as ‘beeja dushti’ in Ayurveda. The four essential factor for conception are healthy egg and sperms, healthy male-female reproductive system, time of intercourse and nutrition.




Ayurveda can treat infertility by panchakarma and can also prevent infertility. Beeja shudhi is done in the couples planning to conceive. It may be considered as ayurvedic treatment for ovulation. It ensures that there is no defect in the 4 factors responsible for conception. This way the couples can prevent themselves from undergoing any therapy later. Along with beeja shudhi, ayurveda also suggests garbhasankar. Garbhasanskar educates the couple about the things to follow and avoid during pregnancy.


One of the leading cause for inability to conceive is PCOS in women. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a lifestyle disorder and the studies have revealed that PCOS can be managed well and has successfully achieved pregnancy through ayurveda. Aasha ayurvedic treatment for PCOS and pregnancy in Delhi, has significantly satisfied the patients with their need.

Why Some Women Are Not Able To Carry Pregnancy To Full Term?


Miscarriage may occur due to weal cervix, low lying placenta, chromosomal defect, hormonal imbalance, immune system disorder, abnormalities such as fibroid-tumour-poor muscle tone of the uterus etc.


First two trimester is very crucial and needs special attention. Ante natal care which is called as garbhasanskar in ayurveda suggests the DOs and DONTs during pregnancy.


Ayurvedic medication is the choice of treatment for curing infertility. This holistic science treats infertility by improving the body metabolism, purifying the reproductive organs, maintaining the hormonal balance, relieves mental stress and improves the quality of egg and sperms. There are certain ayurvedic tips to conceive. We shall discuss here the 5 ways of ayurveda to get pregnant faster-

1) Keep stress away and think positive

2) Exercise regularly

3) Consume fresh, organic healthy diet.

4) Get detox therapy

5) Follow the dincharya and ritucharya


The Ayurveda follows the principle of preventing the disease first through proper diet and life style management. A complete chapter is dedicated in Charaka Samhita on it. If you are facing a problem in pregnancy visit Aasha ayurveda and make your dream come true.