Can Miscarriages be Prevented by an Ayurveda Expert

"Ayurveda holistic science is known for its holistic treatment for all the diseases. The blog explains miscarriage and its management through Ayurveda."


 What Is Miscarriage?


The spontaneous loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy is called miscarriage.


In Ayurveda, miscarriage is called Garbha Vyapad. Loss of garbha till fourth month of pregnancy is called Garbhasrava because it is in the form of semi liquid. Loss of fetus after 4th month of pregnancy is called garbhapata. When the fetus dies in the uterus it is called Mruta Garbha.


Another word for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. Other terms used are complete abortion, incomplete abortion, inevitable abortion, septic abortion and missed abortion.


Symptoms Of Miscarriage


The most common symptom is bleeding. Bleeding while pregnancy is referred as threatened abortion.


General symptoms are vedana (pain), pushpadarshan (bleeding). The pain is due to vitiated apana vayu and bleeding occurs due to expulsion of embryo and vitiated artavaha srotas (these are the channels carrying menstrual blood).



Causes Of Miscarriage


According to Ayurveda the improper food and life style habits is mentioned as factors responsible for abnormality in the fetus, the doshas get vitiated and the normal functions is disturbed resulting in the expulsion of the fetus.


Most of the miscarriages are because of the chromosome problems that cause difficulty in the development of a baby.


Other possible causes of miscarriage are-


  • Drugs and alcohols
  • Exposure to the toxins in environment
  • Obesity
  • Infection
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Any problem in the mother’s reproductive system
  • Weak immune system
  • Smoking


According to the consultant gynecologist and fertility specialist, the risk of miscarriage is higher in women conceiving between the age of 35 to 40. The risk of miscarriage advances with the age.



Some Tips That Can Help To Prevent Miscarriages

Once you have a miscarriage, you must consult your doctor to know the reason of miscarriage and plan the next pregnancy with precautions. A healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy plays a critical role here. Given below are some of the tips that one must follow to prevent miscarriage.


1)        It is important to take folic acid once you start planning for the baby.

2)        Exercise daily

3)        Consume healthy and a balanced diet.

4)        Manage stress

5)        Avoids drugs and alcohol.

6)        Keep your immunizations up to date

7)        Keep control on tea and caffeine.

8)        Say NO to smoking and don’t be a passive smoker.

9)        Maintain your weight.

10)        Avoid radiation and poisonous substance such as arsenic, formaldehyde and etc.

11)        Take care of your stomach. Avoid any activities that expose you to the risk of injuries.

12)        Consult your doctor before undertaking any medication.

13)        Avoids harmful X-rays and infectious diseases.


Does PCOS Impact Miscarriage?


Women with PCOS try all possible methods for successful conception while suffering from other symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome. There are high chances of miscarriage in a woman with PCOS. The rate has been found to increase by two folds.


Insulin level is high in PCOS and high insulin level elevates the lutenizing hormone contributing to the increased rate of miscarriage. High testosterone, obesity, insulin levels and infertility treatments are also involved in the factors for miscarriage. PCOS has been found in almost 40% to 80% of women with recurrent miscarriages.


Stop the miscarriage chances by using the ayurvedic herbs. We shall discuss about the ayurvedic treatment and therapies that helps to prevent miscarriage.


Management Of Abortion In Ayurveda


Ayurvedic ancient text considers the dead fetus as a foreign substance and extraction of the fetus has been advised. Complete evacuation of the uterus by abortifacient drugs or by surgical intervention is advised.


Medical management of abortion in the modern science have a risk of bleeding per vaginum, pain, mild fever etc.


Management in Ayurveda includes use of ayurvedic formulations having the properties of lekhaniya, ushna, ruksha, tikshana, vatanulomana, garbha shatan and garbha shodhan. All these properties causes evacuation of the products, uterine contraction and minimizes the blood loss. The drugs also are anti inflammatory, analgesic, anti microbial and aids in relieving the pain and preventing further infections.


After the abortion is induced medicines are given for cleaning the uterus, pain reliever and amapachan drugs (digestion of ama). These drugs clear the doshas-dhatu and kleda thus balancing the agni, dosha, dhatu and helps in the quick recovery of the person.


For any further information visit or contact Aasha Ayurvedic clinic in Rajouri Garden in Delhi. The centre is trusted for its finest ayurvedic doctors with high success rate in Delhi.