PCOS: Symptoms, Causes and treatment

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease) is a kind of hormonal imbalance that most adversely affects females during their reproductive stage (15-45 years). About 25% females have PCOS and most of them are unaware of it until they experience problems of infertility because sometimes PCOS doesn’t show visible symptoms.


  Of all the main parts of a normal uterus (womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries), ovaries produce female hormones – oestrogen and progesterone (hormones that regulate menstrual cycle) and negligible amount of androgen (male hormones).


Other hormones produced by the ovaries are: FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) which drives the ovary to produce a follicle (a skin bag or sac that contains an egg) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone) which encourages the ovary to mature the egg and send it forward into the fallopian tube.


 In PCOS, an ovary or both ovaries show enlarged size due to the presence of many immature eggs (cysts) which are not triggered to maturity and the subsequent flow through the fallopian tubes into the womb for ovulation on account of the altered function of hormones FSH and LH. Besides this, the affected ovaries produce high level of male hormone (androgen) which disrupts the monthly periods; they also fail to produce adequate level of oestrogen and progesterone.


A female suffering from PCOS would show the following visible symptoms:


  • Irregular/ skipped menstruation.
  • Hair growth on upper lip, chin, cheeks, under eyes, chest, upper back, around nipples & lower abdomen.
  • Mood swings, anxiety, lack of confidence.
  • Sleep apnoea (pauses in breathing during night)
  • Hair loss on scalp


      Internal symptoms: Insulin resistance, diabetes and more


 PCOS is considered as a genetic disease where females show insulin resistance. Normally insulin hormone, produced by the pancreas, digests and decomposes sugar from food to provide energy.


The body cells of a PCOS patient show inability to utilize insulin properly. The undigested sugar level increases and carries the risk of diabetes.


On the other hand, the demand for insulin increases in the body and the pancreas are compelled to produce extra insulin which proves harmful as it drives the ovaries to produce more androgen.


High level of androgen results in excess hair growth and prevents the ovaries from maturing the eggs and carrying them forward for ovulation.


Metabolic Syndrome:


A number of factors attributed to PCOS such as: Obesity, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, low HDL (good cholesterol) and high LDL (bad cholesterol) – are together called metabolic syndrome and may increase the risk for heart diseases.


Endometrial Cancer:


Regular menstruation is defined as shedding of uterine lining if the mature egg is not fertilized by a sperm. This loss of blood from the uterus refreshes it and maintains its health. If a mature female doesn’t ovulate every month, uterine lining increases in thickness and the stagnant blood tissues can lead to endometrial cancer.


Clinical tests for detecting PCOS:


1) Pelvic Exam: The doctor inserts gloved fingers into the vagina to check for any overgrowth in the uterus or ovaries.


2) Blood test during menstruation: A sample of patient’s blood is taken on the second day of menstruation to check for androgen level, cholesterol, triglyceride and insulin.


3) Ultrasound: An Ultrasound is carried out to detect the presence of abnormal follicles in the ovaries.

Ayurvedic treatment for PCOS which may contribute to health and pregnancy:

  • Mild and regular exercise helps in weight loss and contributes to pregnancy.
  • Exercise should be done early in the morning to get maximum fresh air.
  • Practice yoga for at least 30 minutes daily. Meditation also helps to relax the body cells
  • Low carbohydrate diets help in shedding weight and also bring down insulin level. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains give natural carbohydrates.
  • A potion of effective ayurvedic herbs ‘Uto-Supreme’ is used for dealing with PCOD in a natural way. Though its positive results show on the patient after long-term use, it has no side effects.


Removal of harmful elements from the body (Panchkarma) is highly effective in such diseases. Blood and bile purifiers work through the strategy of deliberate retching (vomiting) or excess excretion of stools and urine.


These activities should be supervised by your doctor as they cannot be carried out independently.

Try to seek the help of an ayurved expert to help you out in such situation.


As far as Delhi is concerned, you may consult many doctors specialised in ayurvedic treatment techniques and spare yourself the pain and life-long side effects of surgery and drugs.


Spare some moments for your personal benefits and approach Dr. Chanchal Sharma to solve your malady with a feather hand.


For more info about infertility and Pcod/Pcod :  PCOD Problem Solution in Hindi | जाने Aasha Ayurveda


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