Easy Way to Unblock Fallopian Tubes


Fallopian tube is also called uterine tube or salpinges that has a function of carrying the eggs to the uterus. Fallopian tubes play an important part in conception as this is the place where most of the eggs are fertilized.

Blockage in these tubes or tubal blockage leads to infertility in females as the passage for the eggs are blocked due to certain reasons. This is the only blocked fallopian tube symptom. Blocked fallopian tubes is one of the common reasons for infertility in females.


Blocked fallopian tube symptoms may include pelvic pain which may occur during periods or may remain constant. Tubal blockage usually comes with no symptoms other than difficulty to conceive. Blocked fallopian tube may sometimes lead to ectopic pregnancy i.e pregnancy outside the uterus.  

There are three tests that confirms blocked fallopian tube as a reason for infertility in women.


1)        An X-ray test known as hysterosalpingogram (HSG)
2)        An ultrasound test known as sonohysterogram and

3)        Laparoscopy


Fallopian tube blockage treatment involves surgical and non surgical procedures which is decided after consultation with your doctor. Surgical procedures may include fallopian tube recanalization, tubal ligation, salpingostomy and etc.

When it come to fallopian tube blockage treatment that includes no cuts, no side effects and a natural treatment what can be better than the holistic treatment of ayurveda. Ayurveda is a science trusted from ancient times.


In ayurveda the term for infertility in women is vandhayatva. The vata dosha is considered to be the vitiated dosha in infertility in females. Hence the line of treatment is basti karma with local snehana and tarpana. Ayurvedic approach is an easy and a natural treatment for blocked fallopian tube.


Enemas, purgation, nasal treatment, dietary advise, lifestyle advise, yoga, meditaton are some of the options for natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes. Herbal medicines and panchakarma therapy is also useful in tubal blockage.


On having blocked fallopian tube symptoms it is always recommended to visit a doctor for the fallopian tube blockage treatment. Aasha Ayurveda is one of the best ayurvedic centre that offers natural treatment for blocked fallopian tubes.