Pregnancy After 35: Know Your Risks

As the age increases it becomes more unlikely for you to conceive. Now a days many women wait to have children for financial security, career and other family responsibilities. Conceiving after 35 exposes you to following complications in pregnancy and also puts you at certain risk of giving birth to a baby.


a)         Birth defects- women who conceive at the advancing age is more likely to have babies with chromosomal disorder such as down’s syndrome.


b)         Miscarriage- the risk of miscarriage is higher as age increases.


c)         Problems in placenta- any issues in placenta can cause heavy bleeding during delivery.


d)         Diabetes and hypertension- high blood pressure and diabetes is more likely to develop and cause problems such as miscarriage, growth of the baby or any complications during birth.


e)         Premature birth and low birth weight of the baby-women above 35 have high chances of delivering the baby before 37 weeks and usually have baby weighing below 5.5 pounds.


Pregnancy after 35 is termed as geriatric pregnancy. There has been an increase in number of women getting pregnant between the age group of 35 to 39. The chances of getting problems are greater when you are conceiving at 35 or older.


The reproductive system ages very fast. There are many women who are facing age related infertility

Changes in female reproductive system after the age of 35-


1)         Age affects your ovulation as around the age of 35 the quality and quantity of eggs remaining in the ovaries declines speedily.

2)         Hormonal disorder such as thyroid imbalance, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, cortisol and other hormones show changes in their level.

According to Ayurveda the vata dosha is aggravated during pregnancy that dominated the nervous system. Thus this dosha should be balanced. Whatever the hormonal changes is, the solution to it is ayurvedic approach of treatment which includes-


1)         Diet and lifestyle management

2)         Herbal medicines

3)         Panchakarma therapies


There are many risks to have baby after 35 but one can control these if you take a good pre natal care. Lets discuss little about prenatal care in Ayurveda. physiology and psychology of a woman is managed through herbal and non herbal medicinal ways to achieve a healthy mother and a baby.


Ayurveda lays much emphasis on the health of a woman before, during and after pregnancy. The prenatal ayurvedic care ensures proper growth of the fetus, avoids complicated pregnancy and makes sure the wellbeing of mother and child. It is achieved in Ayurveda through-

1)         Ayurvedic treatment procedure

2)         Panchakarma therapy to purify male and female gametes.

3)         Mental calmness for achieving conception.


The ancient science of medicine also prescribes certain diet plan and DOs and DONTs. Food that is mild and easy to digest must be consumed at regular intervals. Avoid spicy foods, sexual intercourse, strenuous exercise, weight loss programmes and any negativity. Food should be taken frequently in small quantities. Ensure to take salt in minimum.



Panchakarma is an ancient practice that eliminates the toxins through different procedures. Ayurvedic treatment for infertility in female due to age factor is very effective. The treatment involves-


a)         Treatment of agni (digestive system) with herbal formulations is must. Panchakrama treatment helps to eliminate the toxins and corrects the digestive power. Healthy digestive power makes healthy ojas.


b)         Correcting the vitiated vata is very important in treatment of infertility.


c)         Suitable shodhan chikitsa is prescribed as per the condition of the patient.


d)         Ayurvedic herbal treatment for female infertility nourishes the body and all dhatus and enhances the immune system.


Ayurvedic medicines are effective in improving the health of and boost fertility in women. ayurvedic herbs for female infertility includes ashoka, lodhra and shatavari. Lodhra restores the estrogen and progesterone level and also increases the level of luteinizing hormone or follicular stimulating hormones.


According to the ancient ayurvedic texts, the fertility in a woman is increased by balancing her mental, physical and emotional health. To achieve this equilibrium one must strictly follow the proper diet and lifestyle.


Through the lens of Ayurveda, pregnancy is a very special and spiritual time in the life of a woman. During and before pregnancy, Ayurveda is a wonderful gift to the mother and a child.


If you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment for Pregnancy & Natural Birth  call Aasha Ayurveda today. Contact number: +91- 9811773770, Website: