Top 7 Herbs That Can Bring Down Sperm Count and Affect Fertility In Men

"Low sperm count and infertility in men is a common and major concern these days. Here we shall discuss seven most common herbs having a negative impact on sperm count and reduce fertility in men."


"Infertility due to low sperm count is a matter of concern and solution for it is the need of an hour. Smoking, obesity, alcohol, hormonal imbalance, stress, hypertension medicines, antibiotics, drug abuse, anti-psychotic drugs etc result in low sperm count and has an effect in increasing infertility in both men and women.


There are certain herbs that should be avoided and affects your fertility and keeps the couple away from parenthood. According to the research consuming these in small quantities won't harm but consuming it in large amount will definitely affect your fertility.


1)            Papaya seeds- it is proved that the seeds of papaya act as a natural contraceptive for men. Papaya is contraindicated in women who are pregnant, is well known. Its effect of inducing sterility in men is less heard but a matter of fact.


2)            Bitter gourd- it has a significant effect on sperm count and affects fertility.


3)            Clove- when taken in large amount it reduces sperm production in men and affects the healthy sperms.


4)            Mint- men should avoid regular consumption of mint as the studies has shown that it reduces serum testosterone, sperm motility and decreases sperm count.


5)            Bel leaf- these suppress the testosterone level and reduces the density and sperm mobility.


6)            Neem- neem is well known for its diverse health benefits. However the herb is anti-fertile for males and is not good for male fertility.


7)            Garlic- raw garlic should be strictly avoided as it reduces the secretion of a hormone ‘testosterone’ and hampers the production of new sperms.



Ayurvedic Treatment For Male Infertility


If you are having a problem in conceiving or facing ejaculatory issues or you feel the libido is low, what you need is consultation from the ayurvedic doctor and immediate medication and therapies depending upon the reason for infertility.


It has been observed that there is an increase in problems related to quality, quantity, motility and morphology of the sperms. The couples who are not able to have a child, in such cases sometimes male sexual health is responsible and at times female health is responsible.


Before giving any medication the male partner gets his semen analysis done. The normal sperm count should be between 60 million/ml to 140 million /ml. Sperm count less than 60 million/ml is termed as oligospermia and is considered unfavorable for a woman to get pregnant. There are cases where there is no sperm count, this condition is called aspermia. Thus semen analysis helps us to find the quantity and quality of the sperms.


There are many chemical based medications available in the market that will benefit you temporarily. The symptoms are suppressed instead of eliminating it and it also comes with many side effects. It is always suggested to remove the root cause. Thus vajikarana drugs in Ayurveda must be opted to achieve fertility. These drugs are non-steroidal and non-addictive. It is considered safe and pure ayurvedic medicine with no chemicals and no side effects.


Some of the common herbs used are-


1)            Kawach- it is mentioned in the ancient text for its effect in enhancing the health of the sperms.


2)            Ashwagandha- it is very effective in treating male infertility. It corrects metabolism and provides nutrition. It is also beneficial in sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction and oligospermia.


3)            Safed Musli- it is basically used as a tonic to rejuvenate the reproductive system. Consuming it regularly is helpful in overcoming impotency, premature ejacutaion and low sperm count.


4)            Shilajit- increases the libido by increasing the core energy needed for sexual drive.


We have already discussed the various defects that lead to infertility in males. Uttar Basti treatment for male infertility is well known for females but the therapy is administered in males as well to cure the problems related to sex glands.


In males, the herbal decoction is delivered through the urethral passage in the penis. The method requires a flexible tube that can enter into penis and carry the medicated liquid. Aasha Ayurvedic centre for male infertility treatment in Delhi, is an expertise not only in men but also in women. The decoction administered through Uttara Basti in males acts on infections and inflammation related to the prostate and is also believed to strengthen the sex organs towards the effective production of sperms, thus curing infertility in men.


Get fix appointment with male infertility specialists in Delhi, Call: +91- 9811773770; Website: