Is PCOS affecting your fertility? These exercises will help

"PCOS is the most common cause of infertility in women in their reproductive age. It occurs nearly 1 in 10 women. We shall go in brief about the certain exercise and yoga asanas that will help you."


"In PCOS there are multiple cysts in the ovaries hence the name polycystic ovarian syndrome. The multiple cysts occur due to unhealthy lifestyle and dietary habits and leads to hormonal imbalance.


Many women with PCOS have difficulty in pregnancy. As they do not ovulate and there are no eggs released from the ovary.


Most Common Symptoms Of Pcos-

1)         No periods or irregular periods

2)         Because of irregular ovulation, there is difficulty in getting pregnant.

3)         Excessive hair growth on face, chest, back, and buttocks.

4)         Weight gain

5)         Acne

6)         Hair loss


Understanding Why Pcos Causes Infertility-


In a woman with no PCOS, every month ovulation takes place and number of eggs are released. Female sex hormones cause one of the follicles to produce a mature egg and then the egg is released.


 PCOS drastically affects fertility in women. As there is imbalance of female sex hormone. Because of this it prevents development and release of mature eggs. With the absence of mature egg there is neither ovulation nor pregnancy occurs.


Effect Of Exercise In PCOS Women


Regular work out is most essential in women with


polycystic ovarian syndrome. Exercising regularly not only maintains your weight but also enhances the chances of fertility and increases the immunity.


Weight reduction leads to decrease in glucose intolerance and this has direct positive impact in reproductive and metabolic derangements in PCOS. Exercise helps in regulating the menstrual cycle, affects your ovulation, and improves the body composition.


According to the fertility experts, some of the effective exercise to boost your fertility are-


1)         BRISK WALK- walking is one of the best exercise for PCOS as it can be done anywhere without any equipment. Increase your walking time and speed gradually.


2)         WEIGHT LIFTING- lifting weight twice a week will help in PCOS as women with PCOS tend to develop muscles quickly.


3)         SWIMMING- activities such as swimming, aerobics or zumba are beneficial in women with PCOS.


Why Is Yoga Beneficial In Pcos?


Yoga has been very effective in the management of PCOS symptoms. Stress is one of the most common cause of PCOS. During stress, there is more production of cortisol hormones responsible for weight gain. Thus yoga meditation and certain therapies are beneficial in recovering from PCOS.


Yoga is recommended by most of the fertility experts as it compresses the abdomen and gently massages the internal organs. It is said to improve increase the function of the internal organs and regulates blood circulation. It is beneficial in weight management and keeps the metabolism in check. Yoga is one of the best activities for women with PCOS. Some of the best yoga poses referred by ayurvedic infertility specialists as an exercise to boost your fertility is-


1)         Nadi shodhana- it calms the mind and helps in digestion. It also improves hormonal imbalance by channelizing the energy.


2)         Butterfly pose- this yoga pose is a preventive measure to PCOS. It relaxes the pelvic region.


3)         Cobra pose- it controls the PCOS symptoms in women of every age. It improves the ovarian function.


4)         Naukasana boat pose- it is one of the most effective PCOS pose that balances the hormones.


5)         Prasarita asana- this pose increases the blood flow in the ovaries.


6)         Malasanas pose strengthens the pelvic floor and eliminates PCOS.


7)         Shavasana is the simplest yoga pose that is beneficial in fighting PCOS and hormonal imbalance.


Exercise and yoga improves all the symptoms of PCOS. It restores ovulation and increases the chances of pregnancy, decreases the insulin level, lowers testosterone and increases hormone binding globulin levels and improves the psychological conditions as well. It is always recommended to visit a trainer before undertaking any of the activities.


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