Everything About PCOS And Fertility - Ayurvedic Treatment

"The PCOS case is increasing with passing days. It is important to know the consequences of this disorder and the possible treatment."


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal disorder in females where the eggs are not released. This leads to difficulty in getting pregnant. Almost 1 in 5 are affected with PCOS in women of reproductive age and almost 30% of female infertility is due to PCOS. Being the most common endocrine disorder, it is becoming more prevalent due to pollution, sedentary life style and unhealthy eating habits. Aasha Ayurveda offers pure ayurvedic treatment for PCOD in Delhi.


Understanding PCOS


When there are many cysts in the ovaries, the size of the ovaries becomes larger than normal and there are more number of follicles. It is a condition where hormonal imbalance affects the follicular growth during ovarian cycle and the affected follicle remains in the ovary. This follicle forms into a cyst and the number increases with each ovarian cycle leading to multiple ovarian cysts.


According to Ayurveda it is apana vayu along with other doshas responsible. PCOS involves pitta, kapha, meda, artava dhatu and ambuvahasrotas. All the three doshas play significant role in the production and development and release of ovum. Thus the doshas vata-pitta-kapha controls the ovarian cycle and menstrual cycle.



Role Of Vata Pitta And Kapha


The movement of the follicles during the ovarian cycle, rupture of the ovaries, movement of the fimbriae etc are guided vata dosha. Apana vayu is a type of vata that is responsible for downward movement of menses and birth of a baby. Pitta is responsible for all the hormonal action and all the stages of female reproductive process. Kapha dosha nourishes and develops the tissue that is responsible for formation of a healthy reproductive system.



Symptoms Of PCOS –


Some of the common PCOS symptoms include absence of menstrual cycle or irregular periods, growth of facial hair, speedy weight gain and difficulty in losing it, oily skin and difficulty in conceiving.


Ayurvedic Treatment For Pcod


The treatment starts with administration of deepana- pachana herbs such as trikatu churna, hingwashtak churna, kumari etc.


After the stimulation of digestive system vata pacifying herbs such as shatavari, ashwagandha, arjun, pippali, amalaki, shilajit, mahashatavari etc may be given. Some of the herbal formulation includes dashmoola, arogyavardhani vati, kanchnar guggulu, pushyanug churna and chandraprabha vati. It improves ovarian function and supports endocrine function.


Panchakarma as we all know is a detoxifying therapy and plays a critical role in curing many diseases. Basti karma is done to regulate the apana vayu and release of ovum. The medicated oil/ghee/decoction is administered through vaginal route. It strengthens the uterus and is very effective in PCOD treatment. Uttara basti of kasisadi taila is effective in PCOD. Vamana and virechan is beneficial when doshas are highly imbalanced. Nasya karma also affects fertility. Snehana and swedana with vata oil also benefits.


Diet And Lifestyle In Pcos


Weight management is the first line of treatment in PCOS. Maintaining an ideal weight corrects the hormonal imbalance. Exercise and yoga in routine helps in reducing weight, improves blood circulation and relieves stress and thus enhances the ayurvedic treatment of PCOS.


A diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables increases the immunity. One must consume low carbohydrate diet as the body becomes insulin resistant in PCOS. Foods rich in essential fatty acids such as avocado, soaked nuts, seeds etc is beneficial.


Effect Of Ayurvedic Drugs On Pcos


The ayurvedic herbal medicine is quiet beneficial in balancing the three vitiated doshas and regulates the menstrual cycle and artava dhatu and also increases the immunity. With the ayurvedic treatment of PCOS related infertility a good number of patients have conceived with successful pregnancy. The herbal formulation reduces kapha dosha, balances the hormones and thus relieves the symptoms of PCOS. The basti therapy, especially uttara basti improves metabolism and regulates the periods. It is the most effective treatment in gynecological disorders.


Unlike ayurveda, allopathy treatment includes hormone replacement therapy. It is effective for short period but if taken for a longer period can have certain side effects.


If you are in Delhi or surrounding state and suffering from PCOD, consult Dr Chanchal Sharma as she is one of the best ayurvedic doctor for PCOD treatment in Delhi.


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