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Hydrosalpinx Treatment


What is Hydrosalpinx?

Talking about the literal meaning of Hydrosalpinx, Hydro means water and Salpinx represents Fallopian tube. In this condition the fallopian tubes are completely blocked (closed) and filled with water. A water-filled and swollen fallopian tube is called a hydrosalpinx

Most women are not aware that they have a problem with their fallopian tubes. This is known only when she tries to conceive and she fails in this attempt.


Causes of Hydrosalpinx

There can be many reasons for hydrosalpinx but if you are suffering from any chronic infection then it is considered to be a main reason.

  • Sexually transmitted diseases – If affected by diseases like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea then you may have Hydrosalpinx problem.
  • Hydrosalpinx can be a complication of pelvic inflammatory disease.
  • Abdominal surgery can also create hydrosalpinx.
  • Hydrosalpinx can also occur due to rupture of appendicitis.
  • Hydrosalpinx can also occur due to Uterine TB.
  • After the fibroids grow, the fallopian tubes become blocked, due to which the endometrial tissue accumulates and causes the problem of hydrosalpinx.


What are the Symptoms of Hydrosalpinx?

Talking about the symptoms of hydrosalpinx, we cannot tell clearly, but there are some signs or conditions on the basis of which we can definitely guess.

  • Facing problems like burning or pain in urination.
  • The main symptoms of hydrosalpinx include abdominal and pelvic pain and abnormal vaginal discharge. But sometimes it happens without any external symptoms.
  • In many women it is detected while undergoing treatment for infertility.
  • It is a sign of excessive pain during menstruation and excessive pain during sexual intercourse.
  • If there is swelling in the fallopian tubes or if there is abdominal pain when there is Fluid in Fallopian Tube Treatment, then these are symptoms of hydrosalpinx.
  • Pelvic pain (pain in the pelvis) etc. are its symptoms.



Diagnosis of Hydrosalpinx

There are many tests for the diagnosis of hydrosalpinx, on the basis of which it can be diagnosed. Through these tests, the presence of hydrosalpinx is confirmed, then it becomes very easy to treat accordingly.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG) – This is a type of test with the help of which problems in the uterus and fallopian tubes of women can be detected properly. A special type of dye is used in this test. Through this dye, the reproductive organs of the woman are properly examined. This is the main test on the basis of which hydrosalpins are detected.
Sonohysterosalpingography: Sonohysterography is a special type of ultrasound test. Under this test, fluid is placed in a thin plastic tube and inserted into the uterus through the uterine cervix, so that we get complete information related to the uterus. Hydrosalpinx problems are detected by this test. Keyhole surgery or laparoscopy – This is a procedure in which a very fine camera is inserted through an incision in the abdomen and through this hydrosalpinx is detected. But if there is a problem of hydrosalpinx in one tube, then the water leaking from it does not allow the embryo to develop properly, due to which the woman is unable to conceive.


Hydrosalpinx Treatments by Ayurveda

 Hydrosalpinx treatment is completely possible in Ayurveda. Hydrosalpinx is treated with complete success by the ancient Panchakarma method of Ayurveda. Ayurveda treatment is completely side effect free.

Visite here for Best Female Infertility Clinic Hospital in Delhi .


Ayurvedic Treatment of Hydrosalpinx

According to Ayurveda, tubal blockage is considered a Vata predominant tridosha condition. Vata causes constipation, Kapha causes bloating and Pitta causes inflammation. Ayurvedic medicine for hydrosalpinx should have tridosaghna properties.


Uttar Basti with medicated oil is the best ayurvedic treatment for hydrosalpinx. The herbs are selected according to the requirement of the patient. Some Ayurvedic decoction is used before doing Uttar Basti therapy, which helps in opening the blockage.


If you are looking Blocked fallopian tubes Treatment by Ayurveda, the best ayurvedic Treatment for Hydrosynpinx is available at Asha Ayurveda where well trained and experienced ayurvedic doctors are fully competent for this treatment.


Hydrosalpinx treatment is not permanently available in allopathy, that is why ethopathic medicines are not capable of treating Hydrosalpinx. After this, allopathic doctors recommend IVAP treatment by closing the fallopian tubes. After a few days of taking English treatment continuously, its side effects start appearing, which affect your health a lot.


Most of the doctors these days recommend IVF therapy to solve this problem. Whereas the success rate of IVF is very low i.e. only 10 to 20 percent. Secondly, the chances of IVF failure are high. In this case, hydrosalpinx is eliminated from the root by Ayurvedic treatment. In the treatment of Ayurveda, the problem of hydrosalpinx can be got rid of forever. The success rate of Ayurvedic treatment is above 90 percent. If you take ayurvedic treatment of hydrosalpinx (hydrosalpinx ka ayurvedic ilaj) then there is absolutely no possibility of its failure. Women affected by hydrosalpinx are not able to conceive. 


Natural and Home Remedies for Hydrosalpinx
Ayurvedic treatment of hydrosalpinx can be done without surgery. According to Ayurveda, following a proper diet and regular lifestyle is the best way to treat hydrosalpinx naturally.


Under natural remedies, remove such things from your diet forever, which increase inflammation in the fallopian tubes, such as – caffeine, gluten, soy, sugar, non-organic fruits and vegetables, refined carbohydrates and vegetable oils. Oils etc.

Include the following foods in your diet so that the water filled in your fallopian tubes dries up soon.

  •  Flaxseeds
  •  Ginger
  •  Turmeric
  •  Walnuts
  •  Pineapple
  •  Broccoli
  •  Beet
  •  Green leafy vegetables
  •  Salmon
  •  Healthy fats
  • Lifestyle changes have been considered the most important natural remedy for the diagnosis of this problem.


Treatment of Hydrosalpinx with Yoga and Exercise-

Along with natural and Ayurvedic remedies, fertility can be increased and blockages can be removed through yoga and exercise.
Yoga is effective in reducing stress and increases fertility, so it is important to include yoga and exercise in your daily routine. Along with these, yoga proves beneficial for Hydrosalpinx Ayurvedic Treatments in Delhi India and treatment of blocked fallopian tubes.Apart from yoga, meditation or meditation is equally important. Meditation also helps in increasing fertility.
Abstaining from alcohol can improve overall health and fertility.
Fertility massage is recommended to unblock the fallopian tubes. In this, warm medicated oil is massaged around the abdomen.
Marma therapy works to regulate the functioning of the fallopian tubes. It improves circulation and breaks down adhesions around the fallopian tubes.

Note – It is necessary to consult a doctor before opting for any kind of natural treatment to open blocked fallopian tubes.

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