Infertility Treatment In Ayurveda

The biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to conceive and the state of a woman not being able to carry a pregnancy to the full term is called infertility in Ayurveda. According to modern science the inability of a woman to conceive after a year of unprotected sexual intercourse is termed as infertility.

What Causes Infertility?

According to Ayurveda any kind of disease or disorder arises due to improper digestive fire of body and vitiated tridos has considered as the governing factors of body. Ayurvedic medicine has proved to increase fertility in men and women.


The cause of infertility may be in a man or woman. Factors contributing to woman infertility are ovarian factors, tubal factor, age, uterine problems, PCOS, endometriosis etc. Menstrual cycle can be affected from diet, stress, heavy workout, emotional instability as it imbalances the doshas.

Male infertility is caused by defects in sperm production, tumours, hormonal imbalance, ejaculation problem, defect in sperm transportation etc.

Infertility Treatment In Ayurveda

Ayurveda maintains the health of a healthy person by strengthening the immunity and balancing the doshas. It does not depend upon the use of any external things to correct the hormones. Ayurvedic infertility treatment is a holistic approach that aims at improving the overall health and quality of life of the patient.


Ayurvedic treatment for infertility in female and males depends upon the following principles-


1)        Due to improper digestive system the toxins are created which gives birth to many diseases. Thus to eliminate the toxins (ama) or the treatment of ama must always include treatment of agni. The treatment involves use of digestive and certain ayurvedic formulations, eating meals at a proper time and following the appropriate schedule. The panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda helps in eliminating the toxins and corrects the digestive system. Healthy digestive system contributes to healthy ojas.


2)        The main dosha responsible for infertility is Vata. Hence balancing the vata dosha is very important in the treatment of infertility. Exercising routinely and following the balanced diet helps in balancing the vata dosha.


3)        The 2 karmas prior to shodhan karma i.e snehana and swedana is done. Shodhan karma includes vamana, virechana, vasti and uttara basti. The therapies are administered according to the patient’s condition. During and after the therapy the patient must follow strict diet regimen. It expels the toxins from the body and corrects uterine problem, ovarian problems and etc causing infertility.


4)        Ayurvedic therapy releases the tension, nourishes the body, strengthens the immune system and revitalizes the mind and pacifies the vitiated doshas.

Ayurvedic Herbs Used In The Treatment Of Infertility

The ayurvedic herbal formulations used in treating infertility eradicates the cause from the root. The most commonly used herbs are ashwagandha, amalaki, shatavari that are used in balancing the hormones. It is always the combination of herbs than an individual herb that is used for the treatment of infertility.

Herbs such as ashoka, guggulu, dashmoola etc are beneficial in ovulation disorder. Jeevanti, shatavari, guduchi etc are used in premature ovarian follicle. Punarnava, guduchi etc are used in blocked fallopian tubes and pelvic inflammatory disease. Using the right combination of drugs regulatesthe menstrual cycle, reduces stress, enhances health and wellness, balances the hormones, improves blood circulation and thus treats infertility.


Kapikacchu, gokshura are beneficial in improving the sperm quality and cures the erectile dysfunction and also improves the sperm count.

Role Of Diet In Infertility Treatment


Apart from the ayurvedic therapies and herbal formulations diet plays a crucial role in prevention and cure of the disease. Diet must include foods that increases Ojas and must avoid the food that diminishes the ojas.


Foods that increases ojas includes ghee, milk, nuts, sesame seeds, avocados, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, plant proteins, whole grains, cumin, turmeric etc increase fertility.


Trans fats block arteries, harms heart and blood vessels and affects the fertility. Foods containing chemicals and preservatives, excess alcohol caffeine, red meat, smoking, white bread etc increases the problem of infertility and thus must be avoided.


There are many ayurvedic practitioners around you. It is suggested to consult the one with extensive training and experience. I would recommend Dr. Chanchal Sharma at Aasha Ayurveda in Rajouri Garden, Delhi.


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