I have painful periods, could it be endometriosis?

We shall deal with endometriosis and its effect on the menstrual cycle and also natural cure for endometriosis.


"Endometriosis is mostly found in women in their reproductive age and is responsible for 25- 35% of female infertility and 25 – 40% of painful menses is because of endometriosis."


The inner lining of the uterus is made of endometrial cells. The endometrial lining sheds in every menstrual cycle. Endometrial cells are meant to be the inner lining of the uterus but when these cells attach to the tissues outside the uterus it is called endometrial implants. These implants lead to the condition called endometriosis. The endometrial implants may be in ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, vagina and urinary bladder. These implants are reactive towards hormonal changes and this leads to prolonged periods with heavy clots and pelvic pain.


According to Ayurveda the vitiated vata dosha displaces endometrial cells outside the uterus. The periods pain caused due to endometriosis is also caused by vata dosha. The hormonal changes, blood flow and any inflammation is due to pitta dosha. Kapha dosha is responsible for overgrowth of endometrial cells.


If My Periods Are Painful, Can It Be Endometriosis?


Not every painful period is associated with endometriosis. However around 25- 40% of cases of painful menses is associated with endometriosis.


Ayurvedic approach is the best and safest way for the treatment of endometriosis. The herbal medicines are more efficient when compared to NSAIDs and hormonal therapy of modern science. Ayurveda has a natural cure for endometriosis and fibroids.


If left untreated it may lead to  complications such as adenocarcinoma, ovarian cancer and infertility.


Possible Causes Of Endometriosis


Some of the underlying causes are –


  • History of endometriosis in family
  • Immunity loss
  • Abnormal growth of embryonic cells
  • Transportation of endometrial cells through blood
  • Environmental toxins that lead to hormonal imbalance


Symptoms Of Endometriosis –



Treatment In Ayurveda For Endometriosis

If you are having a problem of endometriosis and thinking how to cure endometriosis without surgery then Ayurveda is the only hope for you. Here we shall discuss some of the points on how Ayurveda works in curing endometriosis.


In Ayurveda the treatment includes balancing the doshas and thus normalizing the menstrual cycle. Aasha Ayurvedic centre for infertility treatment in Delhi, run by the best ayurvedic fertility doctor, offers best herbal formulations for treatment of endometriosis. Best quality drugs are chosen that are made by following principles of Ayurveda.


Vitiated vata is the root cause of all the gynecological disorders such as irregular and painful periods. Herbs such  as lodhra, ashoka, shatavari are effective in endometriosis.


Aloe vera is known for it’s anti oxidant property. It improves the function of liver, kidney and gall bladder. It boosts immunity and is a rich sourse of vitamins. The cooling property of aloe vera and its bitter taste cures inflammation and acts as a rejuvenating drug for endometrial lining.


Shatavari enhances fertility in women. it is widely used for its rejuvenating property. The herb balances the hormones and reduces the risk of endometriosis. It is a natural herbal alternative to artificial hormones.



While mentioning the ayurvedic herbs it is important to mention about panchakarma treatment for conceiving. As we all know the wonder of panchakarma in Ayurveda. It is very effective in treatment of infertility. Shamana, shodhana, rasayan and vajikaran is performed for conception.


1)         Vaman and virechan eliminates excess of kapha and pitta dosha respectively.

2)        Basti is a therapy that eliminates the doshas from rectum. Basti karma regulates apana vayu which improves the quality of ovum. Basti with sahachar oil improves the ovulation cycle. Uttara basti is the most effective treatment for gynecological disorder that includes endometriosis as well.



Besides ayurvedic treatment healthy diet and lifestyle plays an important role. Some of the tips to be followed in endometriosis are as listed as below-


  • Avoid junk and processed food
  • Consume green leafy vegetables and fresh organic fruits
  • Drink sufficient amount of water
  • Say no to alcohol, smoking and caffeine
  • Include whole grain and legumes in your diet
  • Perform certain yoga poses in routine
  • Work out or exercise daily


Aasha ayurvedic centre for infertility treatment in Delhi, aims to provide the best treatment for endometriosis and infertility related other issues.