What to know about Hydrosalpinx

A Hydrosalpinx is a medical name for a condition in which a fallopian tube is filled with fluid because of some infection or injury. The function of a fallopian tube is to catch an egg when it is released from an ovary. Fallopian tubes are also the place where an egg and sperm meet to create a new life.

These tubes also lead the egg to the uterus. The uterus, also called the womb, is the place where a fertilized egg turns into a child over several months. Damage to these tubes can prevent pregnancy.

Hydrosalpinx can affect one or both tubes. If both tubes are affected, the chances of pregnancy are almost impossible.


Hydrosalpinx causes

It is said that the common cause of Hydrosalpinx is an infection in the fallopian tube which is long and untreated. A number of conditions may cause infection in the fallopian tube:

  • Ruptured appendix
  • Building up of tissue in excess due to endometriosis
  • Sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or Chlamydia

Delicate finger-like fimbriae—which begin at the end of the fallopian tube extending to the ovaries—may get destroyed by the healing process or inflammation. Fimbriae are finger-like projections that collect eggs from the ovaries. When injured, fimbriae may close off the tubes by getting fused together. Then, fluid may collect in the fallopian tubes. and it becomes impossible for the tubes to function.


Read More: What is Blocked Fallopian Tubes - Symptoms, Cause and Treatment, tube blockage Doctors?


Hydrosalpinx symptoms

Some patients have pelvic or abdominal pain as a symptom; while, others remain asymptomatic. Patients who are asymptomatic and not trying to conceive remain quite unaware of their condition. It is when they fail to conceive that they go through diagnosis and find out about Hydrosalpinx.


Diagnosis of Hydrosalpinx

In order to diagnose Hydrosalpinx, the doctor can suggest the following tests:

Laparoscopy—the doctor can see inside the uterus using a laparoscope. A laparoscope is tiny, long medical equipment that has a light camera in the front. The lighted camera helps the doctor see the inside of the reproductive structure. The laparoscope is inserted through a small incision on the belly.

An ultrasound—an ultrasound uses high-frequency radio waves to create real-time images. 

A sonohysterosalpingography—in this test, the doctor proceeds by spraying sterile air with saline fluid into the uterus via the passage of the vagina. The flow of the spray through the fallopian tube is observed by the doctor with the help of a transvaginal ultrasound.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)—it is the same as a sonohysterosalpingography test. The difference is that x-ray imaging is used to detect the obstruction in the tube, not a transvaginal ultrasound.


Can serrapeptase cure Hydrosalpinx?

First, try to know what serrapeptase is. It is a chemical derived from the silkworm. It is said to be a commonly used drug in Japan and Europe.

It is used for conditions such as osteoarthritis, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and for conditions usually related to swelling, pain and inflammation. But still, there lacks good evidence to support these uses.

Now, the question. Can serrapeptase cure Hydrosalpinx? As per our research on the internet, we’ve found out that in some cases, it has shown some good results on Hydrosalpinx; while, in others, the condition remained the same, giving no benefits on Hydrosalpinx.

Another question that is often asked is: can Hydrosalpinx cause irregular periods? As already mentioned above, many cases of Hydrosalpinx are asymptomatic. So, irregular periods cannot be taken as a symptom of it. But if you are having irregular or painful periods, you should consult a doctor because it could indicate some problem.


Read More: Treatment of Fallopian Tube Blockage Without Surgery


Hydrosalpinx treatment

If Hydrosalpinx blockage is small, it can be repaired in order to enable pregnancy to occur naturally. This blockage opening procedure requires surgery called neosalpingostomy.  In this procedure, a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen surgically and by making an incision the fallopian tube is opened.

Recovery speed is fast in this procedure. And normal activities can be resumed after a few days. Patients who conceive after tubal surgery need to be monitored from time to time to check for an ectopic pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tube and starts growing there. It is a serious problem and must be taken care of by the doctor.


In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In IVF pregnancy, fallopian tubes can be bypassed. For an IVF pregnancy, the doctor introduces fertility enhancing medicine that allows the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. Then, the eggs are taken out and combined with sperm in a laboratory. Then, the doctor takes out a fertilized egg and implants it into the uterus of the woman using a small tube called a catheter.

IVF has its dark side too. IVF pregnancies are not always successful. And there is also a risk of multiple pregnancies. And multiple pregnancies could cause premature birth or birth with low weight. Taking the eggs out of the ovaries has its risks of infection and bleeding.


Ayurvedic treatment for pregnancy

To allow natural pregnancy, Ayurvedic treatment can also be done for Hydrosalpinx. This treatment is free of any surgery and done using herbal medicine and natural therapies. This effective treatment is safe in many ways.

Ayurvedic herbs such as shatavari, vidarikanda, arjuna, daruharidra, triphala churna, gorakhmundi, lodhra, pradarantak lauh, ashoka, chandraprabha vati, kanchnar guggulu, ashwagandharishta, and abhrak bhasma can be used for the treatment.

One Ayurvedic therapy is that in which medicated oil is left in the uterus to treat infection and scar tissue in the fallopian tube. This therapy is called uttar basti. To administer this oil into the uterus, the doctor uses a tiny tube that is inserted through the vagina.

Other therapies can also be given to cleanse the body and for proper blood circulation. These therapies are vamana, virechana, abhyanaga, udarvartana and basti karma.

Panchkarma therapy is also beneficial for detoxification of the body and increasing the fertility rate.


Contact Aasha Ayurvedic center for an Ayurvedic treatment of Hydrosalpinx, and for increasing the possibility of a natural pregnancy.