Tube Blockage Clinic in Mumbai | Infertility Doctor in Mumbai

The fallopian tube connects the uterus to the ovaries in a woman’s reproductive system. Fallopian tubes are the tubes that connect a woman’s ovaries to her uterus.

The function of the fallopian tubes is crucial to the success of a pregnancy. Fertilisation marks the start of a pregnancy. An egg is normally released from a woman’s ovary once per month. For this egg to be Fertilised, sperm must be present. It travels via the fallopian tube and spends anywhere from 12 to 24 hours there. The next stop is the uterus.

The uterus is responsible for the egg’s development after fertilising it in the fallopian tube. Once an egg has been fertilised, menstruation will cease, and the embryo will begin to develop inside the uterus. Without fertilisation, the egg is expelled from the uterus during menstruation.

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The Signs of Blocked Tubes

Ayurvedic writings don’t include fallopian tube blockages or their symptoms because “tubal blockage” isn’t used there. However, the clinical aspects of Tubal Blockage Clinic are comprehended by considering gynecological problems. Bandhyatva, also known as infertility, is sometimes the presenting symptom, and it is identified through a search for a tubal block. Bandhyatva is the primary sign of a tubal block.

Women sometimes don’t realise they have an issue with their fallopian tubes until they have trouble conceiving. In this situation, minor or constant pain on one side of the abdomen is associated with the blocked tube.

Aasha Ayurveda classifies Hydrosalpinx as a kind of blocked Fallopian tube. Symptoms of a tube blockage may include a foul odour from the vagina and mild abdominal ache. The vast majority of women do not experience all these symptoms.

The Roots Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Blockages in the fallopian tubes are the leading cause of female infertility. According to Aasha Ayurveda, the Tube Blockage Clinic in Mumbai; blocking is brought on by vitiation and an excess of doshas.

Channel activity in the body may be governed by vata dosha. Accumulation of toxins promotes narrowness and dryness of channels, preventing the free circulation of vata dosha. The tubal blockage results from the faulty function or sclerosis of tubes.

Pitta dosha is the primary cause of blocked tubes. Their jobs involve digestion and metabolism. Inflammation and infections of the tubes cause blockage when pitta dosha is out of whack.

When Kapha dosha is imbalanced, pus builds up in the tubes, making passage impossible. Foods that are too light, too sour, too bitter, too hot, too intense, too salty, too sweet, too easily digestible, or too astringent (abhishyandi), as well as the doshas themselves, can all contribute to tubal blockage.

Fallopian tube blocked can be caused by many different lifestyle factors, including but not limited to fasting, excessive sexual activity, intense exercise, injury, trauma, incorrect Vamana, inactivity, rage, sleeping during the day, and repressing natural desires.

Miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, abdominal surgery, uterine infection, ruptured appendix, pelvic inflammatory disease, surgery near the uterine tubes, and previous infections like Chlamydia are all potential causes of bilateral tubal blockages.

Varieties of Blocked Fallopian Tubes

According to the Tube Blockage Clinic in Mumbai, female infertility is typically caused by blocked fallopian tubes. Tubal occlusion, often known by its various subtypes, includes:

·   Hydrosalpinx refers to a blockage at the point where the fallopian tubes join the ovary. If both tubes are blocked, pregnancy is medically impossible without treatment.

·   Proximal tubal occlusions occur when a tube is blocked just before it joins the uterus. Endometriosis, fibroids, inflammation, and scarring are the results.

·   A proximal tubal illness known as salpingitis isthmic nodosa might be challenging to cure.

·   Reversing a tubal ligation, or another form of sterilisation, is an option for patients who have already had the operation.

Opening of the Fallopian Tubes with Ayurvedic Medicine

In the modern medical system, surgery is the main treatment for a blocked fallopian tube. Or the doctor may prescribe in-vitro fertilisation followed by surgery if needed. Both in vitro fertilisation and surgery have potential dangers. IVF has its hazards, including preterm birth, multiple pregnancies, and failed implantation.

It is possible to cure a blocked fallopian tube without resorting to surgery. Aasha Ayurveda, a Tube Blockage Clinic in Mumbai, prescribes natural remedies for tubal ligation. If you need unblocked fallopian tubes, the Ayurveda doctor at Aasha Ayurveda can perform Uttar Basti therapy.

At Aasha Ayurveda, the doctor inserts a thin pipe into the vagina and injects therapeutic oil into the uterus. This medicinal oil can treat infections, endometriosis, fibroids, and scar tissue. It helps the fallopian tubes and the rest of the reproductive system heal.

Herbs Used in Ayurvedic Medicine to Unblock Fallopian Tubes

The use of Ayurvedic herbs for unblocking the fallopian tubes is quite successful. These herbs help to increase circulation, stimulate cleansing to remove blockage and boost fertility.

·   Manjistha has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It aids in blood purification, increases circulation, and decreases inflammation. It also helps the body recover from the inside out, which stops the spread of scar tissue and endometriosis.

·   Turmeric is a good herb for treating blocked fallopian tubes, while ginger is similarly useful for detoxing, reducing inflammation, supporting digestion, and promoting healing. Hydrosalpinx, mucus, and scar tissue blockages benefit greatly from this treatment.

·   Shatavari is an adaptogen that improves egg quality and fertility in females.

·   Triphala is a potent combination of three herbs that help with detoxification generally, digestion and immunity, and abdominal circulation.

·   Ashoka eliminates the accumulation of fluid or mucus inside the fallopian tubes and aids in the healing and preventing internal scarring. As a tonic for the endocrine system, it promotes healthy hormone levels and a fertile reproductive system.

 Natural Remedy for Blocked Fallopian Tubes

Patients with “fallopian tubal blockage” are often recommended costly and risky Laparoscopy procedures with a mere 20% success rate. Why undergo “Tubal blockage” surgery when “Natural Ayurvedic treatment available for blocked fallopian tubes” has a 90% success rate without intervention? Expertise in “blocked fallopian tubes treatment without Surgery” is one of Dr Chanchal Sharma’s areas of focus at Aasha Ayurveda.

When someone mentions the words “blocked fallopian tubes,” every woman’s first thought is, “Is there any kind of treatment that doesn’t involve surgery?”

Dr Chanchal Sharma’s “Tube Blockage Treatment” is now available without the long wait times of the past.

Regarding women’s health issues, Aasha Ayurveda has you covered with every possible Ayurvedic remedy. To date, the clinic has helped more than 5000 couples conceive naturally, without resorting to IVF, by providing them with the best ayurvedic natural treatments for tubal blockage in the fallopian tubes.