Tubal blockage treatment (ayurvedic), symptoms and causes

Tubal blockage treatment (ayurvedic), symptoms and causes

An allopathic doctor provides tubal blockage treatment mainly through surgical methods or in vitro fertilization (IVF). If the tube is blocked by small amounts of adhesions or scar tissue, the doctor can perform laparoscopic surgery in order to remove the blockages and open the tube.

But if the blockages are large and not possible to be removed, the doctor may suggest tube removal and pregnancy through in vitro fertilization. When the tubes are severely damaged, the doctor may recommend tube removal by surgery.

But fallopian tube blockage treatment without surgery is also possible. It is possible in Ayurveda, which is an ancient medicinal system that originated in India. However, text on surgery in Ayurveda (Shalya Chikitsa) is also available, blocked fallopian tube is treated through a therapy called Uttar Basti. What is this therapy, and how is it useful in opening the blocked fallopian tubes? We’ll discuss this later, but for now, let’s know about the causes and symptoms of blocked fallopian tubes.



For More info about Fallopian tubal blcoakge



What is a fallopian tube?

Fallopian tubes are also called oviducts. They are thin tubes that run from the ovaries to the uterus. The female reproductive system needs these tubes in order to send an egg cell from an ovary to the uterus.

Different organs of the female reproductive system contribute to pregnancy in different ways. For instance, the ovaries produce eggs. Eggs are transported to the uterus through fallopian tubes. If the egg is fertilized, it grows in the uterus. If it is not fertilized, it comes out of the body during menstruation.

The egg remains in the fallopian tube for 12 to 24 hours. It is often fertilized into the fallopian tube by sperm. A fertilized egg implants itself into the endometrium. When the uterus receives a fertilized egg, menstruation stops and the egg grows into a baby over a few months.


What is a blocked fallopian tube?

A blocked fallopian tube has a blockage in it, and because of this blockage, the egg cannot enter the uterus or sperm fails to reach the egg in the fallopian tube. Fertilization usually takes place in the fallopian tube. If the tube is blocked, sperm may fail to reach the egg in the tube. And because of the blockage, the egg may not pass through the tube to reach the uterus.

This way, a blocked fallopian tube may cause infertility. But there are two tubes in the female reproductive system; if one tube is blocked, pregnancy may occur through another tube. But if both tubes are blocked, it can cause infertility.

block fallopian tube

Tube blockage reasons

There are several reasons that could be responsible for blockages in the tube.

  • An ectopic pregnancy. When the embryo implants itself outside the uterus rather than in the endometrium, it is called an ectopic pregnancy. If ectopic pregnancy takes place in the fallopian tube, it may cause a blockage.
  • Genital tuberculosis. Genital tuberculosis can also affect the fallopian tube.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). STD infections can also cause damage to the fallopian tube if the infections are left untreated for a long period of time.
  • Uterine fibroids. These non-cancerous growths of tissue can develop in the fallopian tube and cause a blockage.
  • Surgery. Surgery in the fallopian tube or any nearby area may also cause a blockage in the fallopian tube. Surgery also involves a risk of cut, scars and adhesions.
  • Fallopian tube ligation or removal. Tubal removal is when the tube has to be removed because of some reason. Tubal ligation means the tube is cut, blocked or tied. It is a permanent contraceptive method.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). A pelvic inflammatory disease may also affect the upper regions of the reproductive system.
  • Pelvic adhesions. Adhesions due to injury, infection or surgery may take place in the fallopian tube. And because of this, the tube may get blocked.


Symptoms of a blocked fallopian tube

If you think you can find out that your tubes are blocked just by observing a few symptoms, you may feel disappointed to hear that this condition is asymptomatic. Hydrosalpinx is also a tubal blockage that takes place because of fluid in the fallopian tube. In this condition, a woman may feel regular pelvic pain.

tubal blockage

How to open blocked fallopian tubes

Tubal blockage treatment in Ayurveda can be done through Uttar Basti treatment. This treatment does not involve surgery. A medicated decoction is used to open the fallopian tubes. This decoction can also cure other illnesses of the reproductive system. The decoction is administered into the uterus through the vagina. The doctor pumps the decoction into the uterus through a thin pipe.

The doctor can also suggest herbs to boost fertility and a dietary plan for the health of the body. The doctor can also give other ayurvedic therapies, such as fertility massage, basti karma and so on, if there seems to be a need.


Tubal blockage treatment in Delhi

For an effective tubal blockage treatment, contact Aasha Ayurveda clinic; the doctor is well-experienced and has cured many patients with blocked fallopian tubes.


Aasha Ayurveda Clinic

Contact number: +91- 9811773770, Website: www.aashaayurveda.com