Procedures for infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes

Procedures for infertility due to blocked fallopian tubes

Getting pregnant is a natural thing and isn’t difficult at all. But for some women, getting pregnant can become a headache if their fallopian tubes are blocked. A blocked fallopian tube causes infertility in some women. Most women do not find out about their tubal blockage until they face problems in getting pregnant. 


What are fallopian tubes?

The fallopian tubes also called the oviducts or the uterine tubes, are two thin tubes that have an important function in the process of reproduction. Without them, natural reproduction is impossible.

Each month, these tubes take an ovum from the ovaries and give the egg passage to the uterus. While moving through the fallopian tube, if the egg is fertilized by sperm, it implants into the womb and begins to grow as a baby.

The body sheds the egg along with the endometrium if the fertilization of the egg does not take place. 

(Read More –  Natural Treatment for Blocked Fallopian Tubes: 18 Things to Try )


How can blocked fallopian tubes cause infertility?

It is not only a blocked fallopian tube that could cause infertility. There are other causes too. But blocked fallopian tubes can also be responsible for infertility. Because of the tubal blockage, the ovum may not receive the sperm or reach the uterus.

If a tube is partially blocked, an egg may get fertilized but remain stuck in the tube. If this happens, an ectopic pregnancy can take place, which is a medical emergency.


Procedures for blocked fallopian tubes

There are different kinds of treatment for unblocking the tubes, including surgical and non-surgical ones. Consult with your doctor and make the most suitable one. Some treatment options have been explained below in short detail.


Tubal ligation reverse surgery

Tubal ligation reverse surgery can be done for a cut or blockage in the fallopian tube. By reconnecting the parts of the tube, it will allow the eggs to travel through the tubes.

This surgery is performed on the patient under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make a tiny incision in your abdomen to perform this surgery. He will remove the blocked parts and then use absorbable stitches.

This surgery does not guarantee a pregnancy. The chances of getting pregnant can still lie from 40% to 80%, also including age and other health-related factors. It may also enhance the chance of an ectopic pregnancy.


Fallopian tube recanalization (FTR)

FTR does not require any surgery. It reopens the fallopian tubes. There is no need to make any cuts during FTR. A medical tool, called a speculum, is used to keep the vagina open. Then, the doctor inserts a catheter, a thin plastic tube, into the uterus through the cervix.

Then, a contrast liquid is inserted through the catheter and an X-ray is of the uterus is taken to detect the blockage. Then, the doctor will insert a second catheter to remove the blockage.

There are also risks involved in this treatment. Instead of unblocking the tubes, it could also make a hole in them. If this happens, then repairing them will require surgery.


Salpingostomy (neosalpingostomy)

In salpingostomy, sometimes called fimbrioplasty or neosalpingostomy, the doctor creates an opening in the fallopian tube. It is a surgical process in which the doctor will make an incision to remove the blockage in the tube. The risks it can have are infection, adhesions and scarring. It may also increase the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.



In salpingostomy, the doctor repairs the tubes during the surgery and leaves the tubes intact. But in salpingectomy, the surgeon removes the fallopian tubes during the surgery. It is done to improve the chances of in-vitro fertilization. The risks involved are infection and scarring.


Ayurvedic treatment for blocked fallopian tubes

Fallopian tube blockage treatment without surgery can also be done by an Ayurvedic doctor. In Ayurveda, fallopian tube blockage treatment is done using herbs and therapies.


Uttar Basti

Uttar Basti is an effective treatment for unblocking fallopian tubes. This treatment is natural and safe. The Ayurvedic doctor administers medicated oil into the uterus. The doctor uses a thin pipe and inserts it into the uterus through the cervix to send the medicated oil. This oil treats infections and infertility-related problems.

Other therapies may include:

  • Vamana
  • Swedana
  • Virechana
  • Pizchil
  • Udvartana
  • Abhyanga

A few fertility herbs in Ayurveda

  • Shatavari choorna
  • Ashwagandha
  • Mahashankha vati
  • Kalian gritha
  • Yograj guggulu
  • Narayana choorna
  • Chandraprabha vati

Tubal blockage treatment center in Delhi

Looking for fallopian tube blockage treatment in Ayurveda; contact Aasha Ayurveda Center

Contact number: +91- 9811773770, Website: