Endometriosis: symptoms, treatment and causes

Giving birth to a child can be quite complicated if the internal organs of the female reproductive system have issues. The internal reproductive system of a woman has several parts with different roles. There are eggs that are produced by the ovaries. Two tiny tubes called the fallopian tubes collect the eggs and transport them to the uterus. And the uterus also has its role in the development of the fetus.

The uterine wall is composed of three layers of tissue; the endometrium (innermost layer), the myometrium (thick middle layer) and the perimetrium (outer layer). The role of the endometrium is to prepare itself for a fertilized egg. Having not received a fertilized egg, it breaks and bleeds as menstruation.

But if a fertilized egg gets implanted in the endometrium, then it does not break and bleed. The menstruation cycle stops, and the egg begins to develop in the womb.


What is endometriosis?

Endometrial-like tissues can grow outside the endometrium wall and act the same way as the endometrium does; which means those tissues also bleed like the endometrium, and the blood from them can also cause inflammation in the other organs of the reproductive system, or in the pelvic cavity.

The sites of endometriosis can include:

  • The fallopian tubes
  • Ligaments that support the uterus
  • The ovaries
  • The space between the uterus and the bladder
  • The space between the uterus and the rectum
  • Pelvic cavity lining
  • The surface of the outer lining of the uterus
  • Places where it can be found occasionally are the rectum, the bladder, the intestines, the vagina, the vulva, the cervix and scars of abdominal surgery.

Endometriosis is said to have three main types.

  • Endometrioma. These lesions can grow deep in the ovaries. As they appear dark, they are also called chocolate cysts and are filled with fluid.
  • Deeply infiltrating endometriosis. These lesions are found under the peritoneum.
  • Superficial peritoneal lesions. They are said to be more common than the rest. These lesions can grow on the peritoneum which lines the pelvic cavity.


 Endometriosis symptoms

Endometriosis symptoms can vary from person to person. But the most common symptom is pelvic pain. Depending on the intensity of this condition, a patient can also have symptoms like:

  • Painful urination (during menses)
  • Painful bowel movement (during menses)
  • Pelvic pain
  • Regular pain in the lower abdomen
  • Digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea and nausea
  • Infertility
  • Painful sex
  • Intestinal pain
  • Painful periods


Endometriosis causes

Exactly it is unknown what causes endometriosis. But, the assumptions that are given for this condition are given below:

  • Genes. Not very well known, but still it is said that if your sister or mother ever had endometriosis, it could enhance your chances of it.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It is also believed that the immune system disorder or hormonal imbalance could also be responsible for it.
  • Surgery. A surgeon has to make incisions during surgery. Endometrial cells may stick to other organs during surgery.
  • Retrograde menstruation. When the menstruation blood flows back into the uterus cavity; it is called retrograde menstruation. Retrograde menstruation may take endometrium tissues to other organs, which may remain stuck there and bleed from time to time.
  • Poor nutrition. Malnutrition can also disturb the functioning of the body, including the reproductive system.


Endometriosis causes infertility

Endometriosis could also be responsible for infertility. If endometriosis is mild, there is a possibility of giving birth successfully. But in severe cases, there could be complications related to ovulation, conception and the growth of the child.

  • Endometriosis can block the release of the eggs or damage the ovaries.
  • Blockage in the fallopian tube due to endometriosis can also cause infertility issues.


How is endometriosis diagnosed?

Tests that are done to diagnose endometriosis are:

  • Imaging tests
  • Biopsy
  • Laparoscopy
  • Pelvic exam


Endometriosis ayurvedic doctor in Delhi

If you are looking for an endometriosis specialist in Delhi, consult Doctor. Famous ayurvedic doctor in Delhi and has treated many patients successfully.


Consult Aasha Ayurvedic center for the treatment of endometriosis.

Contact number: +91- 9811773770, Website: www.aashaayurveda.com


There are therapies and herbal medicines in Ayurveda that are used to cure endometriosis. Uttar basti is a highly effective therapy in which medicated oil is used. The doctor with the help of a thin pipe which is inserted into the uterus through the cervix administers this medicated oil into the uterus.

This oil reaches the other parts of the reproductive organs, including the fallopian tubes and the ovaries, and gives its healing results from the inside.

What can be an endometriosis diet in Ayurveda? Your ayurvedic doctor can also plan an endometriosis diet along with your herbal medicines. This ayurvedic treatment does not need any surgical procedure. It is natural and safe, and also effective in curing endometriosis and unblocking the fallopian tubes.