Endometriosis: diagnosis and treatment – Aasha Ayurveda

Endometriosis: diagnosis and treatment – Aasha Ayurveda

Conception takes place naturally. But, it could also get complicated if a woman has gynecological problems. The reproductive system consists of several parts. The female reproductive system has several parts including the uterus, the fallopian tubes, and the ovaries. Let’s have a brief description of these parts.

The ovaries: The ovaries are oval-shaped, small glands that exist on either side of the uterus. They produce and store the egg cells—also called ova or oocytes—and also produce hormones that control pregnancy, menstrual cycle and ovulation.

During ovulation, an egg is released from one of the ovaries. If the egg is fertilized by sperm, pregnancy takes place. When a woman enters the menopause period, her ovaries stop releasing eggs. Usually, only one egg is released from one of the ovaries, but sometimes more than one egg can also be released. This may result in multiple pregnancies.

The fallopian tubes: Fallopian tubes are an important passageway. These tubes collect eggs from the ovaries and transport them to the uterus. Fallopian tubes are also a place for fertilization. The egg and sperm often meet in the fallopian tube.

The uterus: The uterus, also called the womb, is the place where a fertilized egg grows and turns into a child. The uterus is small in size, but it is highly elastic. The uterus contains three important layers: the perimetrium (the outer layer), the myometrium (the thick middle layer), and the endometrium (the innermost layer).

It is the endometrium that sheds and bleeds during menstruation. When the endometrium receives a fertilized egg, it plays a vital role in the growth of the egg. The egg implants in the endometrium and receives its nutrition from there.


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The endometrium is the layer of tissue that lines the uterus. This layer thickens and bleeds during menstruation. Endometrial-like tissue can also grow in other places, for instance, the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and outside the uterus.

The endometrial-like tissue also thickens and bleeds just like the endometrium. The blood from them may remain trapped among the reproductive organs or in the pelvic cavity and cause inflammation.

Endometriosis may take place at the following places:

  • The ovaries
  • The fallopian tubes
  • Between the uterus and the bladder
  • Between the uterus and the rectum
  • Ligaments which support the uterus
  • The lining of the pelvic cavity
  • On the surface of the outer lining of the uterus
  • Occasional sites may include: the bladder, the rectum, the vagina, the intestines, the cervix, the vulva and the scars of the abdominal surgery

The types of endometriosis

The three types of endometriosis:

Superficial peritoneal lesions: They are considered more common than the other two. They grow on the peritoneum. The peritoneum lines the pelvic cavity.

Endometrioma: The lesions which grow deep in the ovaries. They appear dark like chocolate in color. That is why they are also called chocolate cysts. They are also filled with fluid.

Deeply infiltrating endometriosis: The lesions which grow under the peritoneum.

Endometriosis stages

The stages could be divided into four categories as per the results.

  • Stage 1 (minimum): There are only a few small wounds, lesions or implants. There is either little or no scar tissue.
  • Stage 2 (mild): This stage has more implants than the stage one. They could also be deeper. There could be some scar tissue.
  • Stage 3 (moderate): In this stage, deep implants could be found. Small cysts in one or both ovaries could be present. Adhesions (thick bands of scar tissue) could also be present.
  • Stage 4 (severe): The implants could be the most widespread in this stage. There could be many thick adhesions and deep implants.

Endometriosis causes

It cannot be said what causes endometriosis as the endometriosis causes are not known. But, as per the researchers, some assumptions are:

  • Surgery: Incisions are made for surgery. There is a possibility for the endometrium tissue to get stuck in the pelvic area because of surgery.
  • Genes: There is still research needed in this aspect. But, researchers assume that genes could also be responsible for endometriosis.
  • Poor nutrition: Nutrition is essential for the functions of the body, including the functions of the reproductive system. A lack of nutrition might cause this kind of condition.
  • Retrograde menstruation: Retrograde menstruation may carry the endometrium tissue to the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Hormonal imbalance: The imbalance of sex hormones may disturb several functions of the reproductive organs. It may also disturb the function of the ovarian hormones and the endometrium.

Endometriosis diagnosis

Endometriosis tests for diagnosis may include:

  • Biopsy
  • Ultrasound
  • Imaging tests
  • Laparoscopy
  • Pelvic exam

Endometriosis symptoms

The most common symptom is pelvic pain. The symptoms may also vary from person to person. The symptoms may also depend on the stage.

  • Pelvic pain
  • Painful bowel movement (during periods)
  • Painful urination (during menstruation)
  • Infertility
  • Constant pain in the lower abdomen
  • Painful sex
  • Painful menstruation
  • Intestinal pain
  • Digestive problems which may include diarrhea, nausea and constipation

Endometriosis natural treatment

Common medical treatment options may include hormone therapy, pain medication and surgery. If you want endometriosis treatment without surgery, you can also choose ayurvedic treatment. Ayurvedic treatment works on symptoms and illnesses in depth.

In Ayurveda, herbal medicines and therapies are used for curing endometriosis. Ayurvedic herbs keep an important part in curing illnesses in the ayurvedic medicinal system. But apart from herbs; oil, butter, milk, rock salts, molasses and ashes are also used for treating illnesses.

About Aasha Ayurveda Clinic

In Aasha Ayurveda Clinic, Doctor Chanchal Sharma provides effective treatment for various illnesses, including endometriosis. She is endowed with several years of experience, with a high success rate.

Apart from endometriosis, she provides treatment for infertility, PCOS/PCOD, fibroids, fallopian tube blockage, azoospermia, body and skin care and more